Bankruptcy Records

Filing for bankruptcy is a legal process that involves the insolvency court, the law and the attorneys. This is to say that the cases have to be well filed and the records well kept. The records are available in different courts in different countries but in some cases it is possible to get them online with special instructions and procedures.

If you are interested in knowing who has field for bankruptcy, you may be required to pay some amount of money to access these database. You will also be provided with more information like the name of the bankrupt person and his address. If this is not sufficient, you may be given other details like his date of birth and details of the insolvency records on file.

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Insolvency records are a public documents and this is confirmed by the fact that the names of insolvent individuals, companies or businesses are published in the newspapers not just for all to see, but also as a requirement by the law. These names remain in the records for a period of up to ten years or up to three months after discharge.

Some of the details that you might never be able to get from insolvency records include the names of disqualified directors, company insolvency and canceled or withdrawn insolvency orders. In some countries, it is possible to conduct a search for these records online by visiting a specified web site. In others, there are offices that one can visit which are specifically put up for these purposes.

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